Using MOBAC - Adding Content (1/3) Adding content section is divided into three subsections: Chooing Map Source, Navigation and management of map preview, and Selecting Areas for Download. © Mobile Atlas Creator 2012 Choosing Map Source The first step when adding content to your atlas is to select the map source. You can choose between many different map sources, most of them are based on OpenStreetMap data. "If you are an experienced user of MOBAC you maybe notice, that some map sources are missing, that were available in former versions. They had to be removed back in April 2011 because of licence reasons. For more information about that visit the forum. <Choosing the Map Source> The selection box is placed in the panel on the left side. Choose your favorite map source by selecting one of the given options. If you are not sure which source to use try different ones and decide which one fits your needs the best.  You may notice that some of the map sources of former MOBAC versions are  If the panel is missing in your view you have to activate it first by using the menu missing. These sources had to be removed in April 2011 due to license issues. You can find more information on the official forum. bar ("Panels"       "Show/hide left panel"). Learn about Navigation and Management of Page Preview